Annie Wolf joined Mehlman Consulting in July 2024 after more than a decade working in senior leadership positions in the U.S. House of Representatives. She has a deep understanding of the nexus between policy, politics, and Congressional process and uses her experience and relationships with members of Congress and staff on both sides of the political aisle to help Mehlman clients achieve their goals.
Immediately before joining the firm, Annie served as the Deputy Floor Director to Majority Leader Steve Scalise, working with House committees to prepare legislation for floor consideration, advising the Leader on strategy and procedure, and overseeing the daily management of the House floor. She also led efforts to schedule and pass bipartisan legislation through the suspension process, working closely with her Democratic counterparts to vet legislation and help members achieve legislative victories.
Annie held the same position in then-Minority Whip Scalise’s office from 2019 to 2022 building coalitions and corralling support or opposition to reflect House Republicans’ positions on legislation. She played an influential role in the Whip effort to pass the United States-Mexico-Canda Trade Agreement, a process that took place over the course of several months and required close coordination with the administration to ensure strong bipartisan support. Annie also served as Chief of Staff to Whip Scalise’s Chief Deputy Whip, Drew Ferguson, and oversaw all operations related to his leadership role on both the official and political side.
Prior to her time in the House GOP Whip operation, Annie was a professional staff member on the House Rules Committee, where she managed a diverse portfolio of issues within the jurisdiction of the Committees on Energy and Commerce, Foreign Affairs, Natural Resources, Oversight, and Science, Space, and Technology. In this role, she worked with committees and leadership to shepherd legislation through the amendment process to successfully advance policy priorities.
Annie got her start on Capitol Hill in Speaker John Boehner’s office, starting as staff assistant and then floor assistant, a role she continued during the first year of Paul Ryan’s tenure as Speaker.