David Thomas is a top Democratic strategist with over two decades of experience in Washington’s public policy arena. He has a deep understanding of the legislative and executive branches of the federal government. For over a decade, Thomas has helped companies, trade associations and nonprofits develop and exe¬cute successful strategies in Washington. During his tenure in government, Thomas served as Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs for Vice President Al Gore, the top lobbyist at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Chief of Staff for Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA).
As Chief of Staff to Rep. Lofgren, who represents San Jose and Silicon Valley, Thomas developed and oversaw all legislative, political and communications initiatives. He frequently met and strategized with constituents in the high-tech community on a variety of issues, including cybersecurity, immigration, tax and trade policy, intellec¬tual property and innovation.
During his tenure with the Congresswoman, she was elected chair of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation, which consists of all of the Democratic Members of the House of Representatives from California.
Prior to his time working for Rep. Lofgren, Thomas was the Director of Congressional Relations at the FTC. There, he advised the FTC Chairman and Commissioners on legislative strategy and promoted all FTC policy initiatives on Capitol Hill. Among them: online privacy issues, the principles of corporate merger reviews, Hart–Scott–Rodino reform, consumer protection and gasoline pricing investigations. He also proved his mettle by shepherding the FTC’s budget request through the annual appropriations process.
During the Clinton Administration, Thomas served as a Senior Liaison between Vice President Gore and the U.S. Congress. Working from the Vice President’s Office of Legislative Affairs, he advanced White House policy proposals on Capitol Hill and helped create a long-term strategy for the Vice President’s interactions with Members of the Senate and the House. His management skills were tried and proven true as he traveled with Vice President Gore throughout the United States and organized the involvement of Members of Congress on all domestic trips.