
B.A. – St. Ambrose University


Rosemary Gutierrez applies insights gained from over two decades of Congressional experience, offering deep expertise across numerous policy areas to help Mehlman Consulting’s’ clients navigate complex policy and political landscapes.

Rosemary was the Deputy Chief of Staff and Legislative Director for U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA), where she led the Senator’s legislative agenda including her role in shaping policies within the Finance, Commerce, Indian Affairs, Small Business, and Energy Committees. During the Covid-19 crisis, Senator Cantwell tapped Rosemary to serve as her point person on the pandemic response efforts.

Throughout her tenure in the United States Senate, Rosemary was instrumental in securing wins in numerous pieces of bipartisan legislation covering defense, low-income housing, immigration, education, disability, opioid abuse treatment, trade and appropriations.

Rosemary began her Senate career with Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), serving as a senior advisor on appropriations, foreign affairs, immigration, trade, and human rights. She played a critical role in negotiating a multi-million-dollar funding commitment from Fortune 500 companies to eliminate child labor from their supply chains. She was a driving force in swift Senate approval of International Labor Organization Convention 182, a treaty targeting the worst forms of child labor. She also spearheaded amendments to major trade legislation to combat abusive child labor practices.

Beyond her work in Congress, Rosemary has contributed to United Nations missions in Haiti and East Timor, supporting efforts to establish transitional governments, conduct legislative and local elections, strengthen democratic institutions, and promote human rights.